The “Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo, Uprava Republike Slovenije za pomorstvo “(Slovenian Maritime Administration) is a state body within the Ministry of Infrastructure, it was established in 1995. At the MzI, we perform administrative and professional tasks in the field of maritime affairs and port infrastructure; we monitor order in ports, other parts of the territorial sea and inland waters. We supervise the safety of navigation, the performance of maritime traffic, maintenance of facilities for the safety of navigation and waterways. MzI covers maritime safety, including maritime pollution prevention. It is in charge of maritime search and rescue (SAR), port and navigation surveillance and aids to navigation. We also carry out inspections of the implementation of regulations in the field of maritime transport and port infrastructure, as well as the implementation of regulations governing inland navigation.
MzI is representing two of the user communities of CISE - maritime safety (including VTS and search and rescue), maritime security and prevention of pollution caused by ships and marine pollution preparedness and response. MzI is currently actively involved in implementation of the Interreg project EUREKA – Adriatic- Ionnian joint approach for development and harmonization of procedures and regulations in the field of navigation safety.
The MzI is the national competent authority in cooperation with EMSA (European Maritime Safety Agency), for the SSN (SafeSeaNet), CSN (CleanSeaNet), LRIT (Long Range Identification and Tracking), CNTA (Consultative Network on Technical Assistance), THETIS (Port State Control Information System), IMDATE (Integrated Maritime Data Services) and STCW-IS (Information system on STCW) project/systems.
Within the framework of this project, MzI will contribute to the project management and the communication and Dissemination, Trial execution and assessment. In addition to these commitments, MzI will take the Lead of the task T7.2 in WP7 Dissemination.