Previously under the French minister for the ecological transition but newly set up in 2022, the ”Direction générale des affaires maritimes, de la pêche et de l’aquaculture” (General directorate for maritime affairs, fishery and aquaculture) is in charge of defining regulation related to fishery and aquaculture activities, maritime security, including maritime pollution prevention and maritime safety. It is in charge of maritime search and rescue (SAR), port and navigation surveillance and aids to navigation. It is also in charge of implementing the policy linked with the training and the employment of seafarers. In cooperation with the authority mentioned above, it contributes to implementing regulation linked with good ecological status, maritime law enforcement or the promotion of the national flag. The General directorate for maritime affairs, fishery and aquaculture is involved in several projects monitored by EMSA, among them: VTMIS ship-toshore, Clean Sea Net, CSD, IMS, LRIT or Safeseanet.
Within the framework of this project, MTE will support the management and the communication of the project. Moreover, MTE will take the lead of the WP5 named Trial execution and assessment and the Task 3.4 related to the operational organization.